Monday, October 1, 2007

New Cloverfield Related Site

A new site that may be part of the official online "canon" of Cloverfield / 1-18-08 has been discovered. The site is for the Tagruato Corp joining Slusho and 1-18-08 in this odd trinity of sites for the movies viral marketing campaign.

Tagruto Corp is a deep sea drilling company (for oil) which ties in nicely to the oceanic origins of Slusho (of which Tagruto is the parent company) and the probably deep sea birthplace of the Cloverfield monster.

Clicking around the site brings up the usual company info, statements and press releases but nothing that reveals details on the movie. Other subsidiaries include Bold Futura, Yoshida Medical Research, and ParafFun! Wax Distributors, none of which have seperate sites, so far anyway.

One thing to note is the CEO of the company - Ganu Yoshida. The son of the creator of Slusho was named Ganu and is also the one that "discovered a deep sea ingredient" on the ocean floor. An ingredient that seems to fuel the various company subsidiaries. In the Slusho description no last names where given but safe to say the two are one and the same.

The company also has a deep sea drilling station called "Chuai Station" in the Pacific probably a few hundred miles from New York that opened in September. Perhaps the monster comes from there?

As for as using WHOIS information for the site, it copies the Slusho's to a tee with same e-mail address, street address and phone number (all fake). The site was registered on 7/25/07 by Daiske Kagashima (same last name as Slusho's registrant Satoshi Kagashima).

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