Friday, April 7, 2023

New Cast Members for Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

With Star Wars Celebration 2023 going on now, a little more information has been released about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. Joining series lead Jude Law are child actors Ravi Cabot-Conyers, Kyriana Kratter, and Robert Timothy Smith. The series is from Jon Watts (Spider-Man: No Way Home) who says "This is a show that we've been working on for a really long time. It's a story of 10-year-old kids from a tiny planet who get lost in the Star Wars galaxy. It's the story of their journey home" however the show is also described as "1980 coming-of-age adventure in space" so its likely intended to be a family/all-ages adventure story. Exactly when in the timeline this series is set and if it will dove tail into any known movie or TV continuity was not part of the presentation. 

Description of shown footage (few images here):
Those kids, our main group—two young girls (one wearing a Star Trek: TNG -tyle head visor), a young boy, and a small alien that looks very much like he’s a young Ortolan, one of the blue pudgy alies popularized by Max Rebo in Return of the Jedi—appear to have found their way aboard a mercenary starship. There are shots of them encountering weird creatures, holograms of their parents back home begging for them to return, and the kids being menaced by pirates (including, it seems, the Nikto pirate formerly of Gorian Shard’s crew in The Mandalorian, further tying the series’ timeline into the post-Return of the Jedi era). The kids find themselves on the run from blaster fire in what looks like a pirate base and flying away on their new ship before the trailer concludes with them locked up in a prison cell carved out of a cave. A hooded figure approaches, floating the key to their freedom in front of the kids with a whimsical display of the force. “He’s a Jedi!” One of the kids exclaims as the figure lowers their hood to reveal that it is Jude Law’s mysterious character.

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