Friday, July 20, 2007

Ethan Haas, Mindstorm Labs Connection

JJ Abrams has verified that the Ethan Haas Was Right and Was Wrong sites are not a part of Cloverfield. AICN then reported that these sites where actually a part of a new game called Alpha Omega from Mindstorm Labs. None of this has been confirmed, but a blog called OMG WTF EHWR?! might have been the source of AICN unsubstantiated revelation. I say that because they through out the Mindstorm's connection without any explanation of where that connection came from. CEO email? Friend of a friend? Who knows, the site doesn't say.

Really its best to read the site because the connections, all unproven at this time, is fairly complicated. Note to that site's author, use screenshots so if info gets changed can at least do a before and after comparison. The evidence they present:

- WHOIS address for Ethan Haas Was Right is the address for Tom McLaughlin, public relations for Mindstorm Labs since changed from someone named Van Mantra (now in Canada) to John Schneckel and Triton Enterprises, which is part of Mindstorm Labs PR push.
- A press release from the company indicates that more details about the game will be out in early August. As a result it does make since to launch the site in preparation for the PR push for the game.
- A user, bjkman22, posted on many video game forums about the Ethan Haas Was Right website. His real name is Brian Kessman, Interactive Producer of Red Interactive Agency, who built the Was Right website.
- An image from the website has a section that looks nearly identical to art posted on the Mindstorm Lab's site. Click here to compare images.
- There could be the theory that Labs is a front for Cloverfield, but the company has apparently been looking for talent back in January. No reason to do that if just using them to promote a movie. Oddly though, current WHOIS records seem to be fake...but then there are privacy reasons to do that so not conclusive.
- The Ethan Haas Was Wrong blog's profile indicates they are in Latvia, which is the same country that Triton Enterprises was founded in, which is the current owners of the Ethan Haas Was Right website which was previously indicated was owned by Tom McLaughlin at Mindstorm Labs.

Oh yeah, thanks to the site, learned their is a myspace page for the Ethan Haas game. Nothing of substance yet on the site, at least not until August 1st. Also, again from that site, are three pages from Ethan Haas journal (Caph, Gamma Cass, Schedar) or full text here.

So, all kinds of evidence that Ethan Haas is related to a game and not Cloverfield as first assumed. How the two became joined together but it seems to have been a lucky (or unlucky depending on point of view) coincidence where the Ethan Haas ARG got launched at the same time as the Cloverfield trailer. Since JJ Abrams is known for secretive games, people just leaped to conclusions since the trailer showed New Your about to go boom and the sites show what could be interpreted as New York post boom. Since its basically proven that Ethan Haas has nothing to do with the movie, I can't decide if should continue to post about it or not.

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